• Michael Rosen joins us for caring conversation.
  • Estimating Forecasting Cost Management: contributions from the MOD ACostE and the Public Sector Advisory Community for Estimating. Sirish Parekh, David Jones Gary Hill
  • Benefits Management for Cradle to Grave Societal Benefits. The Open Strategies method from Phil Driver
  • Systems Thinking: Dr Nigel Williams, Portsmouth University and RPM
  • ECITB (Engineering Construction Industry Training Board) Levelling Up with Controls
  • Data Analytics: Martin Paver
  • Project Controls: The forthcoming BSi Project Controls Specification Standard step-changing controls. Broadening the controls horizon with cradle to grave oversight. Ensuring benefits are delivered and used.
  • Gamekeeper turned Poacher Hilary Baker former head of UK PPM at Airbus and now Head of PMO at supplier Safran will reflect on the customer supplier relationship.
  • Lessons Learned: to improve Delivery Practice. Emma Willson NAO
  • Hydrogen: The answer to Carbon! Emily Wiltshire Gardiner & Theobald
  • WRI World Resources Institute: will focus on a global challenge.
  • Life on Mars: 2 Presentations. Bas Theelen Head of the Project Management Centre of Competence at Airbus Defence and Space. Formerly Programme Manager for the European Service Module (ESM), being the European contribution to NASA’s Orion Spacecraft that will bring humans to the Moon and beyond.

    Professor Andrew Edkins for UCL asks Is there Life on Mars? focusing on the creation of a human colony.

  • Transversal fusion employability skills: Carole Still University of Coventry talks about the skills assessment system being piloted by the Corporation of London And Public Sector Estimating and the ED-EN Erasmus Research Project for Transversal skills development and deployment
  • Agility: Adrian Pyne Making Projects Thrive
  • Digital Transformation: Simon Taylor and Niall Faris look at Digital Transformation.
  • Mindset and Culture: Jame Lea and Alex Davies consider the ‘the psychology of estimating and planning – working with your team’.
  • Alex Leppard of BMT Subconscious Biases In Project Management: What you need to know and how you can fight it
  • Routines: New research into how we conduct ourselves in business. Dr Simon Addyman UCL
  • Automation Allan Glasgow describes the benefits of the automated revolution in projects.
  • Up and Running in Testing Times with BIM Nial Faris tells how a COVID lab was set up in the greatest crisis of our times and the lessons we can learn to improve practice.
  • Jo Lucas Ego to Eco From little spores mighty mushrooms grow! Harmonising systems. An interactive exercise.
  • Stephen Carver Cranfield University returns with Fred Gardner the first soldier on the ground at the Falklands to look at idiots not making hard decisions early and then expecting project team to pull rabbits out of hats or “Great Project – Shame about The Steering Committee”
  • Plus Poets and a band EVA poet in residence Paul Lyalls and Jack Pinter Musician in residence and band prepare us for a Performance. Getting our message ready. Delivering it and making sure we do the right things right.
…And Project Chatter’s Dale Foong will be there too.
Interviewing and gathering material for an EVA podcast.

There are a variety of opportunities available to sponsor our event, please check our website for full package details.

Steve Wake
Curator Promoter Chair
Tel: 0208 886 5594 | mobile: 0788 764 4125
Skype: sfrwake | Website: www.evaintheuk.org